What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects people’s behaviour and is usually diagnosed in the early stages of life. However, there is an increasing recognition for diagnosis in adults who were not diagnosed in childhood. Notably, since 2020, searches online for information specifically on ADHD in adults and ADHD in women has increased greatly and searches for the term ‘do I have ADHD?’ have increased by almost 300% between March 2020 and March 2022.
What Causes ADHD?
it is not known what the exact causes of ADHD are, however, there are factors that are thought to cause ADHD.
Genetics can play a factor, as ADHD tends to run in families, and the presence of a first degree relative (such as a parent or sibling) with ADHD increases the likelihood of an individual having ADHD.
Brain structure and function
It is also thought that people with ADHD have different brain structures than those without the condition. There is also research that shows people with ADHD may have different brain function than those without it e.g., an imbalance in the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.
How to get diagnosed with ADHD?
For a person showing symptoms of ADHD, an appointment with a healthcare professional or GP is the first step on the way to an ADHD diagnosis. It is also useful if the individual keeps a diary of symptoms and a note of when symptoms first presented themselves. It is also important to ask family if there is a history of ADHD. Although this is not an essential criterion for a diagnosis, it can help as ADHD is more common in individuals with a family member who is also affected by ADHD.
Diagnosing a child or teenager with ADHD
Signs of ADHD in children can often be difficult to spot. If a parent suspects their child or teenager may have ADHD, they may be asked to undertake a period of “watchful waiting” to see if symptoms improve. They may be asked to join ADHD-focused parent training or an ADHD education programme. Specialists are often required to help with the diagnosis if symptoms do not improve.
Diagnosing adults with ADHD
When there are signs of ADHD in adults, a GP will assess the symptoms. They will discuss childhood behaviours as well as whether the current symptoms can be explained by other medical or mental health conditions. A diagnosis will usually require a specialist, however.
ADHD Symptoms
The main symptoms of ADHD are struggling to pay attention, being overactive, and being impulsive.
ADHD symptoms are commonly grouped into two main categories:
- Inattentiveness
- Hyperactivity and impulsiveness
People who have ADHD may suffer with either or both types of symptoms. ADHD is usually diagnosed in children, but an individual can be diagnosed at any age. To make a diagnosis, even in adulthood, it is necessary to demonstrate that the symptoms have been present by the age of 12. It is also necessary that these symptoms are present in more than one environment (i.e both home and school). Individual symptoms of ADHD are very common in the general population; however, it is only once an individual meets all these diagnostic criteria that a diagnosis can be made.
Inattentiveness symptoms include:
- Short attention span
- Forgetfulness
- Being unable to stick to menial or time-consuming tasks
- Appearing to be unable to listen
- Finding it difficult to successfully follow instructions
- Finding it difficult to organise tasks
Hyperactivity and impulsiveness symptoms include:
- Excessive fidgeting
- Being unable to sit still
- Excessive physical movement
- Excessive talking
- Acting without thinking
- Lack of patience
- Interrupting conversations
ADHD Treatment
How to Treat ADHD
ADHD treatment varies depending on the type and severity of symptoms.. It may be that some people with ADHD don’t need any treatment. Whilst others may require sessions to help manage specific symptoms, counselling, or prescription medication.
What medication is used for ADHD
Medication can help those with ADHD. Types of ADHD medication can include:
- Methylphenidate
- Lisdexamfetamine
- Dexamfetamine
- Atomoxetine
- Guanfacine
Medical Cannabis and ADHD
ADHD can impact the brain’s ability to regulate attention and focus. Many patients also report problems with sleep and anxiety. Medical cannabis may be considered for patients looking to address some of these symptoms, when other therapies have failed. Check your eligibility for an initial consultation today. Eligible patients will speak to a consultant who specialises in psychiatry and understands the complexities of ADHD.
For further information and to find out more about medical cannabis, click here to discover more about our award-winning Curaleaf Access Scheme. Alternatively, complete an eligibility assessment now. Once complete, one of our clinicians will review your application and advise whether you are eligible for progression to an appointment.